Thursday, June 18, 2015

6-18-15 Visit

Added last honey super to Vineyard hives. Mid 70s and cloudy and will rain today.
All looked good in the photo. Orchard hive is doing well. Was going to add an additional honey but they still have space. Third deep is filling up with honey.

Friday, June 12, 2015

6-12-15 Visit

It's been almost a month since I last blogged. Been so busy with my photography business and just the weekly upkeep of the hives, just haven't made time.
Here's what I had time to capture in photos this evening. Hope you enjoy and ask questions.
Otherwise yesterday had our yearly tour group come and visit and Clarence Seale, Jackson, Alex, and Joshua all helped. Bummer, was too busy to take any photos. The people from Kansas and Oklahoma were very satisfied with the presentation.
Caught a hive a while back and was unsure of the queen, supplemented a brood frame but have found that there was a queen and she is laying quite nicely! It's been very hot and wet the last couple of weeks so I think that has held back the growth in some hives yet they always seem busy when it stops raining.
It was a nice cool evening to get out and make photos and check a couple hives.
A rose from my garden

Yes, there are other pollinators waiting in the wings!

Beautiful comb pattern.

Getting beezey

Close of brood in comb.

Four is never a crowd.

Each honeybee contains 9000 "little eyes"

Garden flower from Jayna's Country Store & Gardens