Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Sting

This morning was quite adventurous and traumatic all in one. A visit to Vineyard hives was the first my nephew Justin visited the bess let alone help with the harvesting and checking of honey and honeybees.
Jackson sat in the vehicle even though temps were 85 degrees and climbing. Thus making the 9am visit, still a sweaty proposition. Alex our photography took a few shots while we were there. The bee shot was of our Microtel bees.

After visiting the vineyard we headed to the Orchard hives to check on them. Currently still trying to nurse one of those hives into being. Pretty sure still no queen and they apparently have been unsuccessful in making one as well. Anyway the other hive seems still strong though numbers look smaller but we have two deeps and two honey boxes on hive. Stole once again some early brood and placed into weakened hive. 
When done we were almost ready to go and Alex yelped. He had been towards the back of the vehicle when he was stunk directly under his right eye on his cheek. Unable to attend immediately help, he ran around screaming as several other bees were trying to follow up with some more torment, being warned by the stinging pheromones. As I approached some bees were following me as well, and we were afraid of them stinging him. Finally I was able after a few minutes approach and extract the lodged stinger from his cheek. Already swelling and tears with in his eyes, more bees came and he was off to the races. Pretty sure he'll be a sprinter in high school. After the bees dissipated we loaded up and have quite a story to tell. Don't think he'll be wanting to visit the bees any time soon. Though for those who read this, honeybees don't just come and sting you. A few apparently smelled the honey in the back of the vehicle and came calling in that area. One lit on his cheek and he swatted at it, thus the sting.

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