Sunday, April 17, 2016

The fiasco!

So this could be a long story but I'll try to minimize it. Went to check orchard hive and was distraught as soon as I pulled up. Normally there would be a plethora of activity at the entrance. None what's so ever.
Pulled lid off and top cover, there were four large wasps sitting to top. Dispatched two as it's hand when you have a bee suit on. Pulled super and brood boxes off and there were about 40 bees. I thought for sure they were just robbing the hive. Pulled the first frame with half the bees and was astonished to see a queen within the mix. There were no brood or eggs.
Sealed back up and went home. Pondered what I needed to do and then call on fellow keeper Eric. Between the two of us, we agreed to split an aggressive hive I had and try to get rid of the "bad queen".  Went back and collected the lone queen and took her to the aggressive hive. Knowing I'd most likely have trouble finding the queen I called on club members Betsy, Jess and Eric.
Attacking with our own aggressive behavior we smoked and started to search. Lots and lots of bees, and lots of drone bees, which often means that the hive is about to swarm or the queen is failing.
Eric suggested that if we find her I could split off some bees. To no avail she was not found but did find a couple closed queen cells which I later promptly loss somehow.
Installed old new queen in a queen cage and took the other deep with brood and nurse bees over to the vineyard. Installed and went over to help Eric with his bees. Lucked out and happened to find a couple queen cells and when finished took them back over to vineyard and installed. Cross your fingers!

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